Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Stalker: Still Around

So, my little phone stalker is still blowing up my phone. I don't know why. I haven't responded in four months to his weirdness. I don't know what is wrong with people. If you don't get a text from a girl after four fucking months, SHE IS NOT INTERESTED.

As a side note, if this girl sends you a text saying: I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU. It probably means she is not interested.

Here is a recap of yesterday and today's messages:

Hirsch: So funny! <link to yelling goats.>
(FYI, I have already seen the yelling goats, just like everyone else in the world.)
Hirsch: Crazy head. Where are you
No punctuation for the question.

Secondly, Why the fuck would I tell you where I am? I didn't even give him my last name.

God, people are weird.

And just in case I end up dead in a gutter, it is all here on the internet "who done it."

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