Saturday, June 15, 2013

Got a New Manager

So at my new job at the hospital, one of my fellow work people moved into the managing position over all of of us. He is totally cool though, so I doubt I will resent him. He hardly seems power hungry. The good thing is that because he moved into to that position, there is one less person doing my job. And on top of that one of the other people got a part time job doing something else during the day which means even more hours, which of course means more money for me.

I am actually excited.

Mostly because this is how my days are going to go literally ALL summer:

  1. Wake up. 
  2. Put on swimsuit.
  3. Go to pool.
  4. Get tan/look at the life guard. (He is relatively good looking.)
  5. Leave pool by 3:30PM and get back to house.
  6. Shower.
  7. Get dressed for work and go to work.
  8. Work from 5PM until an unspecified time while making $$$/hour.
  9. Go home OR go out with friend drinking.
  10. Go to sleep, (or go home after drinking then sleep.)
Best summer ever. Plus I get to work with these really smart people that don't mind at all if I totally geek out, (hello? Game of Thrones anyone?) or if I get into my "I'm a stud phase" and talk nonstop about the baseball/hockey/football game. (Because those are my favorite sports.)

I thought that my little niche of friends at the restaurant was cool. But these guys... They actually don't mind my wacky craziness or the fact that I can prattle on about weird things I saw on Animal Planet or National Geographic, or what I heard on NPR. Normally I try to dumb myself down. Now I get to smart myself up. I am sort of living up to my own potential awesomeness.

Of course, I still love/adore my restaurant friends, but I definitely don't mind this change of pace. And I am probably going to be working there for a couple of years, which is just super awesome.

It's a good summer.

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