Saturday, May 11, 2013


So, I definitely haven't posted in a while. But it is mostly because I have nothing really all that interesting to talk about. (Weirdly enough, I haven't had really weird things happen to me lately.)

I did have this kid try to hit on me at the train station one night after work. It didn't really work out though... Because I wasn't interested in someone who was three years younger than me, and still (probably) in high school.

I did realize that I actually have money in my bank account. (YAY NEW JOB!!!!!)

Hmmm, I also had my little brother call me a "little cunt." He is so charming. Not.

Sharon took me clothes shopping for "work appropriate" clothes. That was very nice of her because I am still not making that much money.

I also was able to watch some more Battlestar: Galactica with dad. He has been sad after losing his dad, so I was letting him heal up some before trying to nudge him into a normal routine again. It was nice to spend some quality time together.

I went to my Uncle's May the Fourth Be With You Party. It was loads of fun after my dad made me like seven shots of I-don't-know-what. To say that Nathaniel, my step-brother, Dad, and I were the life of the party is an understatement. I am glad Sharon agreed to be the designated driver.

Other than all of those perfectly mundane things, I have been really good at being extra boring. I have been super busy working and going to school. But school will be done next week. So maybe I can get into some shenanigans that will liven my beautiful little blog up.

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